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Singh Senior Living Utilizes OnShift To Better Employee Communications

March 2, 2023 | Rachel Gee

Hear directly from Aaron Fenberg, Director of Human Resources for Singh Senior Living.


"I'm Aaron Fenberg. I'm the Director of Human Resources for Singh. I oversee all of the HR for the company both on the senior living side, as well as the other areas of business that we operate in.


"OnShift has been a great partner with Singh Senior Living. Certainly, a lot of what OnShift offers us with the scheduling, with engaging with our associates, with providing rewards for our associates, really communicating with our associates -- that was one piece of OnShift that we really didn't anticipate would improve our overall communication. I'm able to reach individuals very quickly based on their preferences, how they want to be communicated to. It has been a huge benefit.


"At first, it was communicating OnShift messages, and then we used it to schedule all employee meetings and for general communications or kudos to teams or individuals that were doing a good job. It was a very easy and convenient way to communicate with our associates. Department heads could very easily send out messages to individuals or groups of individuals and get their message across. Beforehand, with a 24/7 operation, it could be very difficult to meet up with that person if they're not working the same day or the same shift that you're working. With OnShift, they were able to communicate through the messaging very easily.


"The employees really enjoy the communication part of OnShift because they're able to decide if they want a text, if they want an email, or if they want a phone call. It's based on what they want. So just about everyone has a smartphone these days, so the communication messaging through the app is really popular. Whether they want to get push notifications, I mean, all of that is up to the employee to decide how they want to be communicated to. So that's been very impactful.


"Engage has been another great feature that we added on that has really allowed people to reward their staff for doing sometimes little things, sometimes going above and beyond, and recognize those individuals. It's also a way that they are able to track the new hires and check in a week, two weeks, a month, two months to see how they're doing, make sure that they have everything that they need, and keep a pulse with the use of the pulse surveys on what's happening in the communities. So, that's been another huge benefit from an engagement standpoint.


"If there are small things like supplies that are needed or missing, a third-shift individual can put a message in through a pulse survey saying, 'Great shift last night; however, we're missing some supplies on this floor.' It's very easy then for us to react to that versus that person waiting until they see their department head to say, 'Hey, we need X, Y, or Z,' and getting that to them.


"I think OnShift Engage has given us the opportunity to really help motivate our teams in a lot of different ways. The first award that was actually presented to an associate was down in Waltonwood Cary in Cary, North Carolina. The executive director got a large novelty check and wrote out 200 Engage points, and in an all-staff meeting gave the associate who earned that first reward of additional paid time off and the large check, and they videoed it and the associate was dancing. She was excited as could be. It really motivated that team. So, it's given our staff kind of another tool you use to help motivate their teams and to congratulate their teams.


"We do annual surveys, but that just gives us a snapshot in time annually of what's happening. So, through Engage, it's nice to be able to see how resident care was yesterday. And so, looking through those pulse surveys for each of the communities, it really helps get a temperature reading of the communities on a day-to-day basis, not just one time every year." 


Learn more about how OnShift is supporting Singh Senior Living and thousands of other long-term care and senior living organizations. Request a free demo or check out additional case studies.





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About Rachel Gee

Rachel Gee is the Content Marketing Manager at OnShift.

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