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Senior Care Survey: New Insights on the Future of the Senior Care Workforce

March 6, 2024 | OnShift

In senior care, where change is constant, leaders are always seeking strategies to navigate workforce challenges effectively. The latest "Senior Care Survey Report: Workforce 360," published by ShiftKey and OnShift, a ShiftKey brand, offers a new, comprehensive overview of the current landscape and future directions for the senior care workforce.

This report is the result of analyzing insights from over 1,700 senior care leaders and reveals the nuanced challenges of recruitment, retention, and strategic engagement of both permanent staff and independent professionals. With 62% of respondents highlighting the difficulties in hiring qualified full-time employees, the report not only addresses these challenges but also touches on possible solutions specifically for the senior care sector.

Key findings reveal a strong emphasis on employee engagement and retention, with flexible scheduling emerging as a key component. Specifically, 41% of senior care leaders acknowledged that more scheduling flexibility would significantly aid in retaining employees. The report also delves into the benefits of integrating technology to support operational growth, emphasizing the importance of employee communication features and scheduling flexibility.

For senior care facilities aiming to enhance their workforce management, the "Senior Care Survey Report: Workforce 360" is a valuable resource. It provides a snapshot of the current state and outlines actionable strategies for fostering a more efficient, engaged, and satisfied workforce.

To gain full access to these insights and to see how you compare among your peers, download and read the complete report. Discover how embracing technology, prioritizing flexibility, and investing in employee satisfaction can pave the way for a brighter future in senior care.

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