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The Magic of Music - It Has Forever Transformed Me Into Jessie's Girl

September 9, 2014 | Marti Bowman

Parents out there – have you ever caught your children jammin’ in The Magic of Music the car to their favorite song? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught my son and daughter doing exactly that. And I’m not alone; there are hundreds of YouTube videos like this one that catch teens rockin’ out to their favorite tune.
But let’s be real - we’ve all been there. This came full circle for me last week when “Jessie’s Girl” came across the airwaves. This tune had me suddenly reliving one of my most memorable experiences in my life (ok, I was only 11 years old at the time, but it changed me. Read on…)

It was the 80s and I was determined to meet my idol (crush is probably more accurate) Rick Springfield (that’s right – I said it. Rick Springfield aka: Dr. Noah Drake. He was huge in the 80s. Trust me on this one). My opportunity came when Rick (we are on a first name basis) was making an appearance at a local Camelot Music Store. After weaseling my way to the front of a long line, I finally met him. And though my memories are a little delusional, it was everything I could have ever wanted for a first date. We introduced ourselves, shared a little banter, he left me a memento of that very special day (signed bumper sticker) and we parted with a kiss on the cheek (it was magical, every single millisecond of it).

So was I embarrassed when I realized my husband and children were in the car as I jammed out to "Jessie’s Girl?" Not at all, because I am Jessie’s Girl and I always will be (aka: Mrs. Springfield).

Music creates feelings. It creates memories. It transports us back to a time and place that we may have otherwise forgotten. That’s why this year’s National Assisted Living Week theme, “The Magic of Music,” is so fitting. As proven in this video, music plays an integral role in assisted living residences every day. Music provides a powerful connection between residents, team members, volunteers and families, and that deserves to be celebrated.

As we celebrate National Assisted Living Week, I’d like to personally thank all of you who help bring out the joy and memories of our seniors. And a very special thanks to Rick Springfield for an experience of a lifetime and the music that helps me hold on to it.

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About Marti Bowman

As Chief Marketing Officer, Marti brings significant experience leading go-to-market strategies, product marketing, communications and PR programs for technology startups as well as Fortune 500 organizations. Prior to OnShift, Marti was a principal product director at Oracle, where she drove global go-to-market strategies for the Oracle Fusion Middleware product portfolio. She joined Oracle through the acquisition of BEA Systems, where she was a product marketing manager.

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