LTC & Senior Living Best Practices & Insights Blog | OnShift

Thanking Senior Care Nurses Who Make a Difference

Written by Irene Fleshner | Dec 23, 2014 6:21:00 AM

At the end of the year many of us reflect back on what we’ve accomplished and how we’ve lived our lives during the preceding 365 days.  I was thinking about how busy I’ve been in 2014 and my desire to improve my work-life balance for 2015.  I came upon a survey on this exact topic. A poll conducted by the Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor and reported in U.S. News & World Report/On Careers blog found that a majority of adults would choose a better work-life balance with flexible schedules and shorter hours over higher pay.  The survey also showed 66% of people said they wanted to coordinate their work schedule with their personal obligations. 

These findings got me thinking about the fact that when I was a practicing nurse, I never had the scheduling flexibility that my 9-5 counterparts had.  For example, I didn’t automatically get “snow days” or Christmas morning off.  I remember the time when I was a nursing supervisor in Washington DC and woke up to an unpredicted 6 inches of snow, which by DC standards qualifies as a major storm.  Schools closed, the government issued a liberal leave policy and for most it was an unexpected day off.  But for me it was a burden, as I had to scramble and make arrangements for child care rather than spend a warm, cozy day at home with my children.

As nurses, the need to work around the clock is emphasized to us when we are in school and again when we get our first work schedule.  However, sometimes it doesn’t really sink-in until that first snow storm or we miss a family get together because we have to work.

While health care leaders can’t always accommodate everyone’s scheduling desires and wishes, we can give those staff members who work on holidays or make an extra effort to come to work during inclement weather, an extra thank you.  To help us recognize our employees during the holiday season and all throughout the year, Advancing Excellence partnered with Hallmark to create the You Make a Difference employee recognition program.  This program is web based and offers the ability to create and buy customized cards and gifts for employees.  You Make a Difference is a simple message that lets our staff know that we value their contributions, efforts and the care they provide to our residents and patients. 

And as we say good bye to 2014, I want to personally thank all of you who work in senior care. As Ghandi said “The True Measure of Any Society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members”.  You Make a Difference in the lives you touch each and every day.